
Easy Steps To Optimise Your Social Media Accounts

Social media is, without a doubt, one of the most effective ways to market your business. But which strategies are worth your time, effort and money? We’ve uncovered some quick and easy things that you can implement to optimise your social media strategy, to boost the success of your accounts, and reap the benefits quickly. 

So, you have your social media accounts set up, and think you’re doing everything you should be. But you’re wondering if there’s more you could be doing to be making the most of what’s available to you. Social media optimisation allows you to scale up your leads, engagement, reach, presence and relationships.

As an award-winning creative marketing agency, we’ve worked with businesses of all different shapes and sizes. We’re going to share with you some of the methods we know are effective, that you can implement quickly and easily. Implement these steps to start seeing results.

Use Consistent Content

Content is king! When posting any content on your social accounts, make sure that the style of your feeds look uniform, which means following the same style of branding. If you don’t do this, you may notice that your feeds are probably looking a little mismatched.

That’s why it’s worth considering investing in getting some eye catching graphics in line with your brand, that you can use across your social media profiles. Doing this will increase engagement and gain you a huge amount of brand loyalty from your followers and visitors, as they will be able to see that you are a serious and professional brand, worth doing business with. 

Research Your Keywords

This is vital in Search Engine Optimisation, and the same applies for Social Media Optimisation. Taking the time to research into what the keywords and phrases most relevant to your audience and ideal customers are is worth taking the time to do. Ultimately, this comes down to what those people are actually searching for, and how they will find your profiles, and interact with them. 

Once you’ve identified which keywords are relevant to your business and its offerings, you should incorporate them into your posts, hashtags and any other content. Doing this right is highly effective in increasing your chances of showing up when people search for those relevant terms. Make sure you regularly review this, as popular search terms will change with the trends. 


When used right, hashtags can help with optimising your social media accounts including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.  Using hashtags in your posts can increase your reach, and that includes reaching users who may not even be following you. If your content relates to a hashtag that people are searching for, they may come across your profile and engage with you.

But don’t just use any random hashtags! Make your hashtags effective by checking if you can relate any trending hashtags to your brand, using hashtags with high search volumes (you can check this by typing in keywords into social search bars and seeing which related terms are most used!), and even creating your own, as long as they make sense and are relevant to your brand and industry.

Optimise Your Schedule

Get the most out of your posts by optimising when you post, for optimum views and engagements. There are many websites that you can find from a quick Google search, which tell you the best times to post. However, you can also tailor this to your own audience. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram actually tell you when your posts are most viewed; you can find this in the ‘Insights’ section of your accounts.

How can this help you? Well, there’s little point in putting content out if no one’s going to see it. By using insights, you can tell what the most popular days and times for your posts are, so focus on posting more at those times, and avoid posting when your audience doesn’t tend to be active, or engage. 

Be More Social

In order to optimise your social media, you need to be a part of it. Stay active by liking, commenting and sharing posts from accounts relevant to your business and target audience. This will make you more present and encourage users to reciprocate your engagement and bring others to your profile; like virtual networking!

You can also join social network groups, to build relationships and exchange ideas with likeminded people from your industry. There are also groups which may give you access to potential customers. Try not to take a heavy sales approach, just engage and offer your services where necessary. Always be aware of the group’s rules, stick to them to avoid being removed or banned. 

If you’re looking to have your marketing successfully managed by a professional, find out more about our marketing services, or get in touch with our team for a free, no obligation consultation.

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